At "": Eran Chinthaka described how to debug a web service remotely.
I am summarizing the most important things assuming that you have already Axis and your web service deployed to Apache Tomcat. The web service needs to be also available in IDEA as Java source ( of course).
The next steps are:
# Start Tomcat with debugging options
# Add a new Run/Debug Configuration in Intellij IDEA
# Choose the configuration and start debug
*Start Tomcat with debugging options*
Add the following JVM parameters to your tomcat start script:
-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005Now you are ready to start. Start tomcat and it will listen on port 5005 for your debugger. *Add a new Run/Debug Configuration in Intellij IDEA* # Goto "Run" menu and select "Edit Configurations". # Click on "+" and select "Remote" from the menu. Just keep the default configuration there with Port 5005 and localhost, if Tomcat is running on the same machine as IDEA. Otherwise enter another host. # Give a meaningful name in the 'name' text box like 'Local Tomcat Debug' and press "OK". You should now be able to see your new configuration, under the runnable items menu. As Eran Chinthaka describes: bq. "You are now all set to receive debug messages from Tomcat. Mark debugging points at proper locations you want to debug and send a SOAP message to your Web service. You should now be able to see your debug points highlighted when the execution hit those marked locations." *Choose the configuration and start debug* Choose your configuration from the drop down menu in IDEA button bar. Click on the debug button, to start connecting to Tomcat. Now you are attached to Tomcat and can send requests to your web service.